Published on: Community Newspapers
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By: Lewis C. Matusow
Congregation Dor Chadash, one of Kendall’s most active, community-oriented synagogues, recently donated money and toys to Shalom Bayit, a program of Jewish Community Services (JCS) of South Florida ( dedicated to helping domestic abuse survivors and their families.
Under the guidance of congregant Shirley Lockenbach, Dor Chadash — The New Generation — raised more than $1,900 and donated a large number of new toys, games, clothing and books to Shalom Bayit.
“Domestic abuse survivors and their families — especially the children — are among our society’s most vulnerable. If we can provide these families with joy at Hanukkah time, then we have performed a mitzvah [good deed],” said Lockenbach, who has raised funds and collected gifts for Shalom Bayit for five previous years with Temple Bet Breira Samu-El Or Olom. “It is very gratifying to be able to help this very worthwhile JCS program.”