What is Kids for Kosher Food Bank’s (KKFB) Goal:
Our goal is to offer Jewish Day Schools and Hebrew Schools students the opportunity to participate in the Rosh Chodesh program by collecting specific items for the JCS Kosher Food Bank on a once-a-month basis.

  • What to bring: Each month, we will coordinate with JCS Kosher Food Bank in order to collect specific items for which there is a dire need (i.e. toiletries, diapers, canned goods and others). KKFB will communicate those needs via email to schools teachers and parents so donations may be collected by the end of the month. A JCS volunteer will collect the items and deliver them to the Kosher Food Bank.
  • Kids for Kosher Food Bank on the Holidays: Items requested by KKFB will relate to specific Holidays. For example, on Pesach we will ask for Matzah, Kidush, Matzo Meal, etc.
  • KKFB encourages all teachers and parents to discuss the Kosher Food Bank and its role in our community with the children in the classrooms and at home.
  • KKFB will provide schools with necessary bins.
  • Field trips: Once or twice a year, KKFB will coordinate field trips to the JCS Kosher Food Bank (for children in grades K and up) to help place items in shelves and learn about our community needs.