When your company or organization supports JCS, you and your team are playing a critical role in transforming the lives of our neighbors, friends, and family.

Ways to partner:

Sponsorship Opportunities: Event sponsorships, naming opportunities, and underwriting of program specific needs are just a few options.

Corporate Matching Gift Opportunities: Double your impact today and brand your company as a champion for our community by working with us to create a matching gift opportunity that engages your employees, your customers and the community

Donate items or services: We keep a list of items and services that our clients may need throughout the year. These may be seasonal or on a case-by-case basis.

Host your own fundraiser or volunteer event: Gather your employees to host a food drive or walk in support of JCS. JCS will then invite your company for a hands-on volunteer experience. Click here to host your own JCS fundraiser.


  • JCS is proud to work with you to develop a benefits package that best meets your needs. Based on the level of your support, some possible options include:
  • Prominent listing on all marketing materials.
  • Logo on our website, event landing page, and e-blast to 21,000+ subscribers
  • Social media exposure to JCS platforms
  • Listed on annual impact report
  • Company branded table when applicable
  • Public recognition at event in remarks
  • Check presentation photo opportunity
  • Hands-on volunteer opportunity for your employees
  • Opportunity to network with JCS CEO, board members and staff
  • Literature distribution at JCS sites

For more information, please contact Michelle Cohen, Director, Resource Development and Engagement, at mcohen@jcsfl.org.