What can 211 Miami do for you?
211 has been serving the Southeast Florida community since 1968. Through listings in our HELPPages database, we make over 10,000 referrals a month to resources in our community.
With more than 5,000 entries, our database is the largest and most comprehensive database of social services for Miami-Dade County and beyond. Moreover, being listed in our HELPPages is free of charge and open to organizations that offers services at a no-or-low-cost basis.
How to Get Listed
Being listed is easy and involves just a few steps. If you are interested, you can read more about our HELPPages guidelines in our Database Inclusion Exclusion Policy.
If you are ready to get started and want to list your organization in our HELPPages, simply visit the HELPPages. From there, you can click My Account to create a new account, and click the Add a new resource record button. After you submit your record, we will contact you to complete the necessary paperwork, and will list you in the HELPPages.
If you need assistance setting up your profile or if you want to get more information about the services we offer, please give us a call at 305-899-1587 x550.
We are confident that together we can work to tell more people in the community about the vital services that you offer.