JCS Provides LGBT Services
Navigating your way in the world when you are LGBT can be challenging. Are you dealing with emerging sexual orientation or gender identity issues? Are you a parent looking to help your child? Are you looking for support and guidance?
Jewish Community Services is committed to providing specialized LGBT services such as counseling, support groups and educational seminars.
JCS offers a safe and supportive environment where Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/
Transgender/Questioning individuals benefit from specialized counseling programs. Therapy is conducted on an individual or group basis in all three of our counseling offices across Miami-Dade County.
In addition, JCS is a co-founder and partner with The Alliance for GLBTQ Youth, which has a vast array of resources available for 13-18 year old GLBTQ youth.
For more information or if you know someone who could benefit from this program, please call JCS Access at 305.576.6550 or email info@jcsfl.org.